Here are photos, and the setlist from the Festival Of Friends show August 10 2007 in Gage Park, Hamilton Ontario 9:30PM - 11:00PM. The Spoons played the headline spot after The English Beat were held up due to immigration issues. As a tribute they played Mirror In The Bathroom.
The setlist from the show was:
1. Trade Winds
2. Arias and Symphonies
3. Smiling In Winter
4. Bridges Over Borders
5. Romantic Traffic
6. Red Light
7. Old Emotions
8. The Rhythm
9. 2000 Years
10. When Time Turns Around
11. Waterline
12. Mirror In the Bathroom
13. One in 10 Words
14. Tell No Lies
15. Nova Heart
16. Talk Back
17. No Electrons
18. Romantic Traffic
Here is the video for Romantic Traffic, Red Light, Old Emotions, 2000 Years and Nova Heart. It was shot and edited by Keyboardist Steve Sweeney and provided courtesy of the band. It looks and sounds great.
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The Quicktime video clip Romantic Traffic can be downloaded here (1GB). Right click and download file.
The Quicktime video clip Red Light can be downloaded here (1GB). Right click and download file.
The Quicktime video clip Old Emotions can be downloaded here (1GB). Right click and download file.
The Quicktime video clip 2000 Years can be downloaded here (1GB). Right click and download file.
The Quicktime video clip Nova Heart can be downloaded here (1GB). Right click and download file.
Here is a link to a clip from the show from the Hamilton Spectator online
Here are some photos courtesy of Harrison Jordan, Julie Pye Clapham, Karen Thomson, Richard Cordeiro, and Denise de Graaf.
Get the Flash Player to see this rotator.
Some other nice shots of the show can be found at http://sansmeat.zenfolio.com/p556881390