Here are photos, video, audio and the setlist from The Velvet Underground show Thursday September 25 2008 in Toronto. The Hoa Hoas opened the show.
Spoons Set:
1. Arias And Symphonies
2. Smiling In Winter
3. Bridges Over Borders
4. Romantic Traffic
5. Like A Memory
6. 2000 Years
7. Rodeo
8. Red Light
9. Dropped Dishes
10. Annita
11. Old Emotions
12. Tell No Lies
13. One In Ten Words
14. Nova Heart
15. The Rhythm
Here is Old Emotions and snippets of Arias & Symphonies, Smiling In Winter, Dropped Dishes and One In Ten Words courtesy of Robert Lansdale.
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PHOTOSHere are some photos courtesy of Darrin Cappe and Sandy Nakade.
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