Welcome to the Spoons music and video archive. These are live shows, videos and other Spoons related material that you might enjoy.
The Lost Boys (Gord Deppe's Band) upcoming shows are listed HERE
December 14 2007
Happy 47th Birthday Derrick Ross. Hope you can make it to the show on December 28th!
December 7 2007
The Tickets for the Jeff Healey's Roadhouse show have been put on sale via Ticketbreak.com. They are only $10 with a service charge on top of about $3.00. According to the site the Spoons are an 80s Grunge band so be prepared for anything.
As promised the winner of the win 2 tickets to the show contest was to be drawn the day tickets went on sale. And the winner is ............. ROMAN SOLTYS . Congratulations Roman! I'll email you about this and thanks for everyone for participating. I'm sure you will all be there regardless.
Finally don't forget that Monday is the last day to enter your picks for the top 5 songs you want to hear at the upcoming show on December 28 2007. Deadline is also 5PM Eastern Standard Time.
November 23 - December 10 2007
I have started a poll in the forum to vote on your top 5 songs you would like to hear the band play at their December 28 2007 show at Jeff Healey's Roadhouse for the CD Release Party. I will tally the votes and the band will play at least 1 of the top 5 picks at the show. So you have a vote on at least one of the songs they will play at the show. It may not be the number 1 pick but it will be at least 1 of the top 5. Click here to go to the forum topic. I've made the topic open to anyone, even if you are not a memeber of the forum and want to vote. If I get too much spam I'll have to close it but for now anyone can vote. There is also a chance for forum members to win a pair of tickets to the show as well. Sign up for the forum and I'll send you the info (Click Message Board in the selection at the top of the page).
November 11 2007
SPOONS CD RELEASE PARTY FOR UNEXPECTED GUEST AT A CANCELLED PARTY- Friday December 28 2007 Jeff Healey's Roadhouse at 56 Blue Jays Way in Toronto. More Details to follow
November 3 2007
Videos of Romantic Traffic, Red Light, Old Emotions, 2000 Years and Nova Heart from The Festival Of Friends show August 10 2007 have been added to the Festival Of Friends page. These videos were shot and edited by Spoons keyboardist Steve Sweeney.
October 25 2007
The Mod Club show page added here. Also Wild Ball photos from September 27 2007 show added to the Miscellaneous Photos page courtesy of Sandy Nakade.
October 24 2007
There are unconfirmed reports that Spoons will be doing a CD Release party show in Toronto over the Xmas Holidays. Details will be forthcoming upon their confirmation.
Also a few new photos added courtesy of LA Dan from the Welland Rose Festival a few years back and by Sandy Nakade from the Pilot Tavern November 2006 (under Miscellaneous Photos).
October 23 2007
Unexpected Guest At A Cancelled Party is now available for download from ITunes. Check it out at
October 22 2007
The new Five Star Fall Album - Automatic Ordinary is now available for ordering. Check out the Order Page for details.
September 26 2007
September 24 2007
Happy BIrthday Rob!
September 14 2007
Happy BIrthday Sandy!
September 6/7 2007
New Upcoming Spoons shows have been added to the Shows section.
They are:
The Wild Ball at The Brickworks - Thursday September 27 2007
Celebrate Waterloo - Saturday September 29 2007
The Mod Club with Blue Peter - Friday October 5 2007 - Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster
The Rose Theatre in Brampton - Saturday January 19 2008
September 4 2007
Video files from Set 1 of the August 23 2007 CNE show added courtesy of Robert Lansdale.
August 30 2007
CNE Video and Audio for the second and third sets added to the CNE Page.
August 26 2007
CNE Show Setlists and photos added to "Live" section. Audio and Video of most of the show is coming soon.
August 24 2007
Last Night's show at the CNE was great. The band played 3 sets (I only saw the second 2). They played a wide array of songs including Conventional Beliefs, Red Light, Trade Winds, Smiling In Winter, No Electrons, One In Ten Words, Arias And Symphonies, Nova Heart, South American Vacation, Walk The Plank, Symmetry, Talk Back, Old Emotions, The Rhythm, Romantic Traffic, Tell No Lies, Feels Like A Memory, When Time Turns Around, Waterline, White Rabbit, Bending, Love Drum and 2000 Years. I will be posting videos of all three sets in the near future as well as proper setlists and photos. For now here is a teaser (if you are able to view it) of Bending and Conventional Beliefs. Click to play them in a new window or right click to save to your computer.
August 11 2007
Festival Of Friends setlist can be found here courtesy of Schwenko
August 10 2007
Two new articles can be found in the Articles Section. One is a review of "Unexpected Guest" by Jeff Liberty and the other is from today's Hamilton Spectator Newspaper.
August 9 2007
Due to an immigration problem The English Beat will not be playing at the Festial of Friends. The Spoons are now filling the Headlining spot at 9:30PM. The rest of the linup is The Kings at 6PM, Carole Pope at 7PM and Naked Eyes at 8PM. Go to Festival Of Friends website for more info.
July 21 2007
Lots of new Photos added courtesy of Debbie Salisbury. Added to Photos on the left navigation.
July 20 2007
New Photos from the Parkdale show added courtesy of Tyrone Biljan
July 16 2007
Photos, short video clips and setlist from the Parkdale Street Festival show have been added under "Live" on the left navigation. The content was provided by Forum Dweller, Thom Hamilton and Michael Cameron. All additions are welcome.
July 15 2007
Flash Video files added to all video pages for viewing on the site. Downloads still available.
July 11 2007
Killiegirl's photos added to site.
July 8 2007
Here is some info for the Spoons show next Sunday July 15 at the Parkdale Arts and Crafts Festival. Firstly here is the ad from Now Magazine. The website for the event is parkdaleliberty.com. It is being held at Parkdale Town Square which is at Queen Street West at Cowan. Here is a link to the Google Map location. According to the website the Spoons are on from 6pm-7pm.
According to the Festival Of Friends website the Spoons are playing Friday August 10 at 8PM. Carole Pope is on at 6PM, Naked Eyes are on at 7PM and The English Beat at 9:30PM. It is being held at Gage Park in Hamilton (free admission).
June 20 2007
Harrison Jordan will be filming an interview with Gord and Sandy on the TTC and Masonic Temple in Toronto on Tuesday June 26 2007. The locations are based on places used in the Romantic Traffic video and he will be filming and interviewing them with the attempt to morph between the video and present day. If you would like to attend click here for the shooting schedule.
June 14 2007
I just received the new SPOONS album and I must say it sounds great. The album as a whole is a mix of songs which were recorded between 1982 and 1985 which may seem quite varied stylistically when you consider how different Dropped Dishes sounds from Tell No Lies. Without knowing for certain you can pretty much tell around what era each of these songs came from. Whether it be the Keyboard/Guitar sounds of Bending which plant it firmly in the Arias Era, the Horns on Love Drum or the "jittery" (Talking Heads-esque) sound of Spaces which would not have been out of place on Stick Figure Neighbourhood. The other interesting/strange thing about listening to an album of this nature, where many of the ideas went on to be used in other songs, is the trainspotting nature of it. There is plenty of it to go around on the album including; the One In Ten Words drum machine sounds of Young English Gentleman; the bridge of Love Drum reminiscent of Sooner Or Later; the verse and bridge of Unpremeditated Love along with the chorus of In The Hands Of Money eventually becoming Bridges Over Borders; and the ending of Bending reflective of the end of A Girl In Two Pieces. After you get over the Anorak nature of it the album holds up amazingly well as a strong collection of material recorded over only a few years and highlighting the strengths in the differences of sound over such a small period of time - 1982-1985. It sounds like an 80s New Wave album, which it is. It just didn't come out until 2007. Many of us remember hearing these songs in concert and it is amazing to finally hear studio versions of such gems as In The Hands Of Money, Love Drum, and No Promises. Unpremeditated Love, 2000 Years, Bending and Ciao are amazing enough on their own to warrant buying it. If you can not order it directly from the address listed below, email me at spoonscanada@gmail.com and we'll see if any other arrangements can be made. It is a must for any SPOONS fan!
May 27 2007
From Gord
"Hello everyone. The new Spoons CD - Unexpected Guest At A Cancelled Party - is now here. Packed with previously unreleased material from the 1982 to 85 years, it includes old concert faves such as In The Hands Of Money, 2,000 Years and Love Drum. This is the lost album that should have come out between TalkBack and Bridges Over Borders. Oh well, better late than never."
The album can be ordered from:
Spoons Music Inc.
2 Pipe Street
Guelph, Ontario
N1H 1V3
Unexpected Guest At A Cancelled Party (CD):$15.00
They also have some old product left in limited quantities:
Collectible Spoons (CD): $15.00
Vertigo Tango (CD or cassette): $10.00
Vertigo Tango (vinyl): $15.00
Bridges Over Borders (cassette): $10.00
Bridges Over Borders (vinyl): $15.00
Add$5.00 per order for postage and handling.
Make cheques payable to: Spoons Music Inc.
Please make sure your return address is clear.
CDs will also be available at live performances.
If I get further information for Online orders I will post it here.
May 23 2007
The new CD should be ready early next week. They will be available online and at gigs. As soon as the address where they can be ordered from is available, it will be linked from here.
Spoons will also be playing some shows this summer with Steve Kendry on Drums and Steve Sweeney on Keyboards. Here are the dates so far:Sunday July 15: Parkdale Street Festival, TO (Queen, west of Dufferin, 6-7pm, free concert)
Saturday August 11: Festival Of Friends, Hamilton (Gage Park, possibly with Psychedelic Furs and/or Flock Of Seagulls)
Thursday, August 23: CNE Midway Stage, TO (7-11pm) free with grounds admission).
May 3 2007
<----- Look over there
April 30 2007
CDs are being manufactured. Should be a couple of weeks til they are ready.
April 25 2007
I got an email from Scott today:
Scott here. I have been living and teaching overseas for the past six years. We lived in Manila for four of those years, and are now in Shenzhen, China.
I have been fortunate enough to have returned each summer to play some music with Gord, Sandy and Steve, and that has been wonderful. I hope that we can do the same this summer.
Living abroad has been exciting and enriching, but Canada is tough to beat. I think we will come back for good soon!!!!
I wrote a song for the school here (Shekou International School), and I had my son, Malcolm, sing it. Ill send that along.
Take care, and I hope to see all in Canada this summer!!
Scott Macdonald
April 23 2007
Lots of people email me asking about where to find Scott MacDonald. I don't know. Scott if your are out there and want to provide an update, email me at spoonscanada@gmail.com and I'll pass on the info. There is a facebook group whose sole purpose is to find you. Apparently you were a good teacher.
April 21 2007
So, apparently Five Star Fall are playing two shows coming up. April 27 at the Palais Royale in Toronto and April 28 at the Waterloo Arena in Woodstock. The Five Star Fall Myspace page has been updated at http://www.myspace.com/5starfall. You can see the new album cover for "Automatic Ordinary" there as well.
April 16 2007
Since a lot of people seem to inquire about this I decided to try to email Ron Mann about purchasing the movie "Listen To The City". I got confirmation from him that it can be puchased at http://www.sphinxproductions.com/pages/film_listen.html or http://www.filmswelike.com/pages/dvdswelike_mann.html.
According to Ron:
"The film was never commercially available on video/dvd. I don't think it ever will be. However, I do make the film available to anyone who may be interested in the film.
The quality of the VHS master is sub-standard.
It's dated - maybe not the politics - which were actually forward looking. The Spoons are great of course!
March 29 2007
I have just set up a new site called The Canadian Music Forum. It is going to be a resource for where to find information on Canadian Bands on the Net (presently under construction). It is also a huge Music Forum for all Canadian Band discussions old and new, present and extinct.
March 17 2007
Listen To The City, Talk Back, SFN, Bridges Over Borders and Live Radio Promo all cleaned up to remove crackles and pops from the vinyl rip.
March 12 2007
Happy 48th Birthday Gord.
March 10 2007
Articles Section added to side nav. New Articles and Press Releases added.
March 6 2007
Photo section added to side nav menu and old guestbook link added to top nav bar.
March 4 2007
The old guestbook can be found at http://books.dreambook.com/dcappe/main.html
February 28 2007
NEW ALBUM UPDATE: "The album has been mastered and sounds amazing. We're just in the process of getting the cover worked out. We'll initially make it available on the internet and possibly through a distributor at a later date. In the meantime, I can't stop listening to it in my car. It's my new favourite album." G.Deppe 28Feb2007
February 20 2007
New Flash Photo page added from the Photos top menu.
February 11 2007
Artwork for Bridges Over Borders US cover, Tell No Lies 45, Romantic Traffic 45, Sooner Or Later 45, Nova Heart 45, The Rhythm 45, and Rodeo 45 added. All were generously provided by Jaimie V. All Cover artwork was resized. New Splash page added.
February 06 2007
Darrin's YouTube Selections added. This is stuff I like and is non-spoons related.
February 02 2007
Here is what Rob has to say about the "demo" album...
"These songs were all recorded by us between 1981 and 1985...
Mostly during demo sessions where we tried out new songs, either after having played them live, or not.
They're good too (in my HUMBLE opinion)
I spoke to Gord last week, and told him we should re-record the songs and have 2 versions available, BUT I THINK WE WILL JUST DO SOME NEW STUFF INSTEAD...." (Rob mentioned a Spring get together to me).
"Let the past live on, and move forward.
Some of these songs were done before we recorded Arias, some before Talkback. A few of the demos from the songs on Talkback are amazing....."
February 2 2007
Video Section Revamped. LA Dan provided me with a DVD full of Classic Video footage. I cut it up and converted it to MOV files which are all up in the new Video menu. THANK YOU DAN!
January 31 2007
From www.myspace.com/spoons80 the songs "Spaces" and "Love Can Be A Stranger" may be added to the new album. Gord also confirmed earlier this month that the songs "Cactus Heart" and "Candy Apple" may also be added.
January 10 2007
I have been emailing with Gord over the past couple of months about transferring music onto his computer. He also was looking at some of the forum topics on this site regarding favorite songs which never made it out and here is what he had to say:
"I've put together one killer compilation of unreleased Spoons songs. It could be the best album of songs we never put out. It covers the time roughly between 1983 and 1985 and really stands alone as an amazing piece of work. I'm going to package this properly and make it available for sale to fans.
So far the songs are, not neccessarily in order:
Love Drum
Show & Tell
Unpremeditated Love
Young English Gentleman
No Promises
The Neutral Line
In The Hands Of Money
World In Motion
Last Of The Great Pretenders
2,000 Years"
So what fans thought may never happen may very well happen. A NEW SPOONS ALBUM OF UNRELEASED MATERIAL. No word on whether it will be a digital download album or an actual physical release. See Santa does exist.
Updates from 2010 can be found here
Updates from 2009 can be found here
Updates from 2008 can be found here
Updates from 2007 can be found here
Updates from 2006 can be found here
The Lost Boys (Gord Deppe's Band) upcoming shows are listed HERE
December 14 2007
Happy 47th Birthday Derrick Ross. Hope you can make it to the show on December 28th!
December 7 2007
The Tickets for the Jeff Healey's Roadhouse show have been put on sale via Ticketbreak.com. They are only $10 with a service charge on top of about $3.00. According to the site the Spoons are an 80s Grunge band so be prepared for anything.
As promised the winner of the win 2 tickets to the show contest was to be drawn the day tickets went on sale. And the winner is ............. ROMAN SOLTYS . Congratulations Roman! I'll email you about this and thanks for everyone for participating. I'm sure you will all be there regardless.
Finally don't forget that Monday is the last day to enter your picks for the top 5 songs you want to hear at the upcoming show on December 28 2007. Deadline is also 5PM Eastern Standard Time.
November 23 - December 10 2007
I have started a poll in the forum to vote on your top 5 songs you would like to hear the band play at their December 28 2007 show at Jeff Healey's Roadhouse for the CD Release Party. I will tally the votes and the band will play at least 1 of the top 5 picks at the show. So you have a vote on at least one of the songs they will play at the show. It may not be the number 1 pick but it will be at least 1 of the top 5. Click here to go to the forum topic. I've made the topic open to anyone, even if you are not a memeber of the forum and want to vote. If I get too much spam I'll have to close it but for now anyone can vote. There is also a chance for forum members to win a pair of tickets to the show as well. Sign up for the forum and I'll send you the info (Click Message Board in the selection at the top of the page).
November 11 2007
SPOONS CD RELEASE PARTY FOR UNEXPECTED GUEST AT A CANCELLED PARTY- Friday December 28 2007 Jeff Healey's Roadhouse at 56 Blue Jays Way in Toronto. More Details to follow
November 3 2007
Videos of Romantic Traffic, Red Light, Old Emotions, 2000 Years and Nova Heart from The Festival Of Friends show August 10 2007 have been added to the Festival Of Friends page. These videos were shot and edited by Spoons keyboardist Steve Sweeney.
October 25 2007
The Mod Club show page added here. Also Wild Ball photos from September 27 2007 show added to the Miscellaneous Photos page courtesy of Sandy Nakade.
October 24 2007
There are unconfirmed reports that Spoons will be doing a CD Release party show in Toronto over the Xmas Holidays. Details will be forthcoming upon their confirmation.
Also a few new photos added courtesy of LA Dan from the Welland Rose Festival a few years back and by Sandy Nakade from the Pilot Tavern November 2006 (under Miscellaneous Photos).
October 23 2007
Unexpected Guest At A Cancelled Party is now available for download from ITunes. Check it out at

October 22 2007
The new Five Star Fall Album - Automatic Ordinary is now available for ordering. Check out the Order Page for details.
September 26 2007
September 24 2007
Happy BIrthday Rob!
September 14 2007
Happy BIrthday Sandy!
September 6/7 2007
New Upcoming Spoons shows have been added to the Shows section.
They are:
The Wild Ball at The Brickworks - Thursday September 27 2007
Celebrate Waterloo - Saturday September 29 2007
The Mod Club with Blue Peter - Friday October 5 2007 - Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster
The Rose Theatre in Brampton - Saturday January 19 2008
September 4 2007
Video files from Set 1 of the August 23 2007 CNE show added courtesy of Robert Lansdale.
August 30 2007
CNE Video and Audio for the second and third sets added to the CNE Page.
August 26 2007
CNE Show Setlists and photos added to "Live" section. Audio and Video of most of the show is coming soon.
August 24 2007
Last Night's show at the CNE was great. The band played 3 sets (I only saw the second 2). They played a wide array of songs including Conventional Beliefs, Red Light, Trade Winds, Smiling In Winter, No Electrons, One In Ten Words, Arias And Symphonies, Nova Heart, South American Vacation, Walk The Plank, Symmetry, Talk Back, Old Emotions, The Rhythm, Romantic Traffic, Tell No Lies, Feels Like A Memory, When Time Turns Around, Waterline, White Rabbit, Bending, Love Drum and 2000 Years. I will be posting videos of all three sets in the near future as well as proper setlists and photos. For now here is a teaser (if you are able to view it) of Bending and Conventional Beliefs. Click to play them in a new window or right click to save to your computer.
August 11 2007
Festival Of Friends setlist can be found here courtesy of Schwenko
August 10 2007
Two new articles can be found in the Articles Section. One is a review of "Unexpected Guest" by Jeff Liberty and the other is from today's Hamilton Spectator Newspaper.
August 9 2007
Due to an immigration problem The English Beat will not be playing at the Festial of Friends. The Spoons are now filling the Headlining spot at 9:30PM. The rest of the linup is The Kings at 6PM, Carole Pope at 7PM and Naked Eyes at 8PM. Go to Festival Of Friends website for more info.
July 21 2007
Lots of new Photos added courtesy of Debbie Salisbury. Added to Photos on the left navigation.
July 20 2007
New Photos from the Parkdale show added courtesy of Tyrone Biljan
July 16 2007
Photos, short video clips and setlist from the Parkdale Street Festival show have been added under "Live" on the left navigation. The content was provided by Forum Dweller, Thom Hamilton and Michael Cameron. All additions are welcome.
July 15 2007
Flash Video files added to all video pages for viewing on the site. Downloads still available.
July 11 2007
Killiegirl's photos added to site.
July 8 2007
Here is some info for the Spoons show next Sunday July 15 at the Parkdale Arts and Crafts Festival. Firstly here is the ad from Now Magazine. The website for the event is parkdaleliberty.com. It is being held at Parkdale Town Square which is at Queen Street West at Cowan. Here is a link to the Google Map location. According to the website the Spoons are on from 6pm-7pm.
According to the Festival Of Friends website the Spoons are playing Friday August 10 at 8PM. Carole Pope is on at 6PM, Naked Eyes are on at 7PM and The English Beat at 9:30PM. It is being held at Gage Park in Hamilton (free admission).
June 20 2007
Harrison Jordan will be filming an interview with Gord and Sandy on the TTC and Masonic Temple in Toronto on Tuesday June 26 2007. The locations are based on places used in the Romantic Traffic video and he will be filming and interviewing them with the attempt to morph between the video and present day. If you would like to attend click here for the shooting schedule.
June 14 2007
I just received the new SPOONS album and I must say it sounds great. The album as a whole is a mix of songs which were recorded between 1982 and 1985 which may seem quite varied stylistically when you consider how different Dropped Dishes sounds from Tell No Lies. Without knowing for certain you can pretty much tell around what era each of these songs came from. Whether it be the Keyboard/Guitar sounds of Bending which plant it firmly in the Arias Era, the Horns on Love Drum or the "jittery" (Talking Heads-esque) sound of Spaces which would not have been out of place on Stick Figure Neighbourhood. The other interesting/strange thing about listening to an album of this nature, where many of the ideas went on to be used in other songs, is the trainspotting nature of it. There is plenty of it to go around on the album including; the One In Ten Words drum machine sounds of Young English Gentleman; the bridge of Love Drum reminiscent of Sooner Or Later; the verse and bridge of Unpremeditated Love along with the chorus of In The Hands Of Money eventually becoming Bridges Over Borders; and the ending of Bending reflective of the end of A Girl In Two Pieces. After you get over the Anorak nature of it the album holds up amazingly well as a strong collection of material recorded over only a few years and highlighting the strengths in the differences of sound over such a small period of time - 1982-1985. It sounds like an 80s New Wave album, which it is. It just didn't come out until 2007. Many of us remember hearing these songs in concert and it is amazing to finally hear studio versions of such gems as In The Hands Of Money, Love Drum, and No Promises. Unpremeditated Love, 2000 Years, Bending and Ciao are amazing enough on their own to warrant buying it. If you can not order it directly from the address listed below, email me at spoonscanada@gmail.com and we'll see if any other arrangements can be made. It is a must for any SPOONS fan!
May 27 2007
From Gord
"Hello everyone. The new Spoons CD - Unexpected Guest At A Cancelled Party - is now here. Packed with previously unreleased material from the 1982 to 85 years, it includes old concert faves such as In The Hands Of Money, 2,000 Years and Love Drum. This is the lost album that should have come out between TalkBack and Bridges Over Borders. Oh well, better late than never."
The album can be ordered from:
Spoons Music Inc.
2 Pipe Street
Guelph, Ontario
N1H 1V3
Unexpected Guest At A Cancelled Party (CD):$15.00
They also have some old product left in limited quantities:
Collectible Spoons (CD): $15.00
Vertigo Tango (CD or cassette): $10.00
Vertigo Tango (vinyl): $15.00
Bridges Over Borders (cassette): $10.00
Bridges Over Borders (vinyl): $15.00
Add$5.00 per order for postage and handling.
Make cheques payable to: Spoons Music Inc.
Please make sure your return address is clear.
CDs will also be available at live performances.
If I get further information for Online orders I will post it here.
May 23 2007
The new CD should be ready early next week. They will be available online and at gigs. As soon as the address where they can be ordered from is available, it will be linked from here.
Spoons will also be playing some shows this summer with Steve Kendry on Drums and Steve Sweeney on Keyboards. Here are the dates so far:
May 3 2007
<----- Look over there
April 30 2007
CDs are being manufactured. Should be a couple of weeks til they are ready.
April 25 2007
I got an email from Scott today:
Scott here. I have been living and teaching overseas for the past six years. We lived in Manila for four of those years, and are now in Shenzhen, China.
I have been fortunate enough to have returned each summer to play some music with Gord, Sandy and Steve, and that has been wonderful. I hope that we can do the same this summer.
Living abroad has been exciting and enriching, but Canada is tough to beat. I think we will come back for good soon!!!!
I wrote a song for the school here (Shekou International School), and I had my son, Malcolm, sing it. Ill send that along.
Take care, and I hope to see all in Canada this summer!!
Scott Macdonald
April 23 2007
Lots of people email me asking about where to find Scott MacDonald. I don't know. Scott if your are out there and want to provide an update, email me at spoonscanada@gmail.com and I'll pass on the info. There is a facebook group whose sole purpose is to find you. Apparently you were a good teacher.
April 21 2007
So, apparently Five Star Fall are playing two shows coming up. April 27 at the Palais Royale in Toronto and April 28 at the Waterloo Arena in Woodstock. The Five Star Fall Myspace page has been updated at http://www.myspace.com/5starfall. You can see the new album cover for "Automatic Ordinary" there as well.
April 16 2007
Since a lot of people seem to inquire about this I decided to try to email Ron Mann about purchasing the movie "Listen To The City". I got confirmation from him that it can be puchased at http://www.sphinxproductions.com/pages/film_listen.html or http://www.filmswelike.com/pages/dvdswelike_mann.html.
According to Ron:
"The film was never commercially available on video/dvd. I don't think it ever will be. However, I do make the film available to anyone who may be interested in the film.
The quality of the VHS master is sub-standard.
It's dated - maybe not the politics - which were actually forward looking. The Spoons are great of course!
March 29 2007
I have just set up a new site called The Canadian Music Forum. It is going to be a resource for where to find information on Canadian Bands on the Net (presently under construction). It is also a huge Music Forum for all Canadian Band discussions old and new, present and extinct.
March 17 2007
Listen To The City, Talk Back, SFN, Bridges Over Borders and Live Radio Promo all cleaned up to remove crackles and pops from the vinyl rip.
March 12 2007
Happy 48th Birthday Gord.
March 10 2007
Articles Section added to side nav. New Articles and Press Releases added.
March 6 2007
Photo section added to side nav menu and old guestbook link added to top nav bar.
March 4 2007
The old guestbook can be found at http://books.dreambook.com/dcappe/main.html
February 28 2007
NEW ALBUM UPDATE: "The album has been mastered and sounds amazing. We're just in the process of getting the cover worked out. We'll initially make it available on the internet and possibly through a distributor at a later date. In the meantime, I can't stop listening to it in my car. It's my new favourite album." G.Deppe 28Feb2007
February 20 2007
New Flash Photo page added from the Photos top menu.
February 11 2007
Artwork for Bridges Over Borders US cover, Tell No Lies 45, Romantic Traffic 45, Sooner Or Later 45, Nova Heart 45, The Rhythm 45, and Rodeo 45 added. All were generously provided by Jaimie V. All Cover artwork was resized. New Splash page added.
February 06 2007
Darrin's YouTube Selections added. This is stuff I like and is non-spoons related.
February 02 2007
Here is what Rob has to say about the "demo" album...
"These songs were all recorded by us between 1981 and 1985...
Mostly during demo sessions where we tried out new songs, either after having played them live, or not.
They're good too (in my HUMBLE opinion)
I spoke to Gord last week, and told him we should re-record the songs and have 2 versions available, BUT I THINK WE WILL JUST DO SOME NEW STUFF INSTEAD...." (Rob mentioned a Spring get together to me).
"Let the past live on, and move forward.
Some of these songs were done before we recorded Arias, some before Talkback. A few of the demos from the songs on Talkback are amazing....."
February 2 2007
Video Section Revamped. LA Dan provided me with a DVD full of Classic Video footage. I cut it up and converted it to MOV files which are all up in the new Video menu. THANK YOU DAN!
January 31 2007
From www.myspace.com/spoons80 the songs "Spaces" and "Love Can Be A Stranger" may be added to the new album. Gord also confirmed earlier this month that the songs "Cactus Heart" and "Candy Apple" may also be added.
January 10 2007
I have been emailing with Gord over the past couple of months about transferring music onto his computer. He also was looking at some of the forum topics on this site regarding favorite songs which never made it out and here is what he had to say:
"I've put together one killer compilation of unreleased Spoons songs. It could be the best album of songs we never put out. It covers the time roughly between 1983 and 1985 and really stands alone as an amazing piece of work. I'm going to package this properly and make it available for sale to fans.
So far the songs are, not neccessarily in order:
Love Drum
Show & Tell
Unpremeditated Love
Young English Gentleman
No Promises
The Neutral Line
In The Hands Of Money
World In Motion
Last Of The Great Pretenders
2,000 Years"
So what fans thought may never happen may very well happen. A NEW SPOONS ALBUM OF UNRELEASED MATERIAL. No word on whether it will be a digital download album or an actual physical release. See Santa does exist.
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